
Eid-ul-Adha 2024: Ruet-i-Hilal Committee to Meet Today For Zilhaj Moon Sighting – Details Here

Eid-ul-Adha 2024: Ruet-i-Hilal Committee to Meet Today For Zilhaj Moon Sighting – Details Here

The Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee will meet later today to sight the Zilhaj moon.

The meeting to be led by Chairman Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad, which will take place at the Pakistan Meteorological Department office.

The committee members will examine the sky to look for the new moon that will mark the beginning of Eid ul Adha. They will then announce their findings.

Parallel moon sighting efforts will be conducted by Ruet-e-Hilal committees in all provincial capitals across Pakistan, ensuring a comprehensive approach to the moon sighting.

Additionally, there will be zonal and divisional level committees organized to support the overall moon sighting activities.

Pakistan’s space agency, Pakistan Space & Upper Atmosphere Research Commission(SUPARCO) representatives will also participate in the Karachi meeting of the Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee.

They will lend their expertise to the moon sighting observation process.

According to the Climate Data Processing Centre, the Zilhaj moon is expected to be sighted on Friday, June 7, which would make Eid ul Adha fall on Monday, June 17.

Chief Meteorologist Sardar Sarfaraz stated that the new Zilhaj moon will be born precisely at 5:38 pm local time on June 6, with sunset expected at 7:20 pm.

A day ago, Saudi Arabia’s Supreme Court announced the sighting of the Zilhaj moon with the last month of the Islamic calendar beginning today.‍

The rituals of Haj will commence on June 14 with the Day of Arafat on June 15. Eidul Azha will be observed in the kingdom on June 16.

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