Jammu and KashmirKashmir University

Kashmir University Innovators Invent Temperature-Controlled Bottle with Integrated Hydration Monitoring Capability

Kashmir University Innovators Invent Temperature-Controlled Bottle with Integrated Hydration Monitoring Capability

A group of innovators from the University of Kashmir have invented a temperature-controlled bottle with an integrated hydration monitoring capability. The team includes Umhara Rasool, Jehangir Hameed Lone, Sajid Noor, Sadaf Bashir, Tabish Beigh, Mohammad Zeeshan Dar, Shah Shahid Showkat, and Syed Kashif.

The Importance of Drinking Water

The group of inventors highlighted the importance of drinking water for our health. Drinking water helps regulate our body temperature, keeps our skin hydrated, and supports various metabolic functions. When we don’t drink enough water, we can become dehydrated and experience fatigue, headaches, and even more serious health problems.

Limitations of Traditional Water Bottles

Traditional water bottles have limitations, such as not being able to control the temperature of the water or provide a reliable way to track our intake. They also lack water purification systems and eco-friendly power sources. Additionally, they don’t have user-friendly interfaces or the ability to connect with smartphone apps for a better user experience.

The Goal of the Invention

The main goal of the invention is to provide a temperature-controlled bottle with integrated hydration monitoring capability that is capable of maintaining the temperature of the water to the user’s preference. The device is capable of maintaining the temperature of the water, which is achieved by the integration of Peltier modules, controlled by a microcontroller to effectively heat or cool the water.

Hydration Monitoring Capability

The proposed innovation also tracks the user’s water consumption throughout the day. This innovative system incorporates state-of-the-art sensors and a sophisticated algorithm to track our hydration patterns accurately. Through timely reminders, it effectively promotes and sustains optimal water consumption and leads to enhanced well-being.

Eco-Friendly Power Source

The bottle incorporates a solar fabric to harness solar energy, and a rechargeable battery to store this energy, providing a green power source for the bottle’s operations.

Water Purification System

An activated charcoal filter is integrated into the bottle to remove impurities from the water, providing the user with clean, safe drinking water wherever they refill the bottle.

Patent Approval

The patent authority of India has accepted and published the details of their patent on the invention. The patent application number is ‘202311034675’.

The Innovators’ Request

The innovators are seeking support from the government to convert their prototype into a marketable product.

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