
Latest Weather Forecast for Eid-ul-Adha (29 June – 2 July)

Latest Weather Forecast for Eid-ul-Adha (29 June – 2 July)

29 June:

Kashmir Region:

  • Morning: There is a chance of rain showers in some areas (45% chance).
  • Afternoon/Late Afternoon: Conditions are expected to improve with a 60% chance of better weather.
  • Late Afternoon: There is a 30% chance of showers towards late afternoon.

Jammu Region:

  • Morning: There is a 70% chance of morning showers in some parts.
  • Afternoon: Better conditions are expected in the afternoon, but a few places may still receive showers (40% chance).

30 June:

Kashmir Region:

  • Morning & Late Afternoon: Rain showers are possible in a few areas.
  • Overall, conditions will be better and it is expected to stay dry for most of the day.

Jammu Region:

  • Morning & Late Afternoon/Night: Rain showers are possible in a few areas.
  • The maximum possibility of a spell is in the morning, with better conditions expected for most of the day.

01 July:

Kashmir Region:

  • Morning & Late Afternoon: Rain showers are possible in a few areas.
  • For most of the day, dry weather is expected in the region.

Jammu Region:

  • Morning: There is a 30% chance of rain showers in some areas.
  • Late Afternoon: There is a 25% chance of rain showers.

02 July (Sunday):

  • Rain showers can occur in a few areas of Jammu and Kashmir.
  • For the most part, the conditions will be dry and sunny, making it a great time for outdoor activities and picnics.

Please note that weather forecasts are subject to change, and it is always a good idea to check for updates closer to the date.

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