Jammu and Kashmir

Pattan Youth Zamid Riyaz Selected for National Games

Pattan Youth Zamid Riyaz Selected for National Games

Mudasir Majeed

Introduction Zamid Riyaz, a promising young talent hailing from the Sariwarpora Pattan area in District Baramulla, has achieved a remarkable feat by earning a spot in the upcoming 37th National Games in Goa. His exceptional skills in the traditional martial art form of Kalaripayattu have earned him this prestigious opportunity.

The Sport of Kalaripayattu Kalaripayattu is an ancient Indian martial art with a history dating back centuries. Known for its unique combination of physical fitness, combat techniques, and weaponry skills, it is not only a sport but also a way of life for its practitioners. This traditional art form emphasizes discipline, flexibility, and agility.

The Rising Star – Zamid Riyaz
Zamid Riyaz, a dedicated and passionate practitioner of Kalaripayattu, has shown immense potential in this art form. His journey began in his hometown of Sariwarpora Pattan, where he displayed a natural flair for Kalaripayattu. Under the guidance of his coach, Tajamul Ahmad Khan, he has honed his skills and techniques, making him a standout performer in the sport.

The Road to the National Games Zamid Riyaz’s selection for the 37th National Games in Goa is a testament to his hard work and dedication. The rigorous selection process and competition in the field of Kalaripayattu is formidable, and his success speaks volumes about his talent and determination. He will be representing not only his hometown but also the entire state of Jammu and Kashmir on the national stage.

Coach Tajamul Ahmad Khan – A Guiding Light Tajamul Ahmad Khan, Zamid Riyaz’s coach, has played a pivotal role in nurturing his talent. With years of experience in Kalaripayattu, Khan has been instrumental in shaping Zamid into the exceptional athlete he is today. His mentorship and guidance have been critical to Zamid’s success.

Community Support and Expectations Zamid’s achievement has garnered immense support and excitement from the local community in Pattan. The entire region is rallying behind him as he prepares to compete at the national level. The expectations are high, and the community is eagerly awaiting his performance at the 37th National Games in Goa.

In conclusion, Zamid Riyaz’s selection for the National Games in Kalaripayattu is a testament to his dedication and the mentorship of Coach Tajamul Ahmad Khan. It also reflects the rich heritage and talent in traditional Indian martial arts. As Zamid represents his hometown and state on the national stage, he carries with him the hopes and aspirations of his community.

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